Dog Fashion

Write By: maisonsfb - 23 Dec / 2013 Created Date: 2013-12-23 Published In: Dog Fashion Hits: 6196

If dogs wrote blogs about dog fashion in this holiday season…

- BAMBI: Sasha, help! I don’t want to be dressed in this ridiculous Santa suit!

- SASHA: Oh, but Bambi, it is very traditional. Woof woof!  Look at me, I put myself in this reindeer suit, Bambi!

Write By: maisonsfb - 20 Dec / 2013 Created Date: 2013-12-20 Published In: Dog Fashion Hits: 5030

Welcome to La Maison de Puppy!

Where we pride ourselves in making comfortable dog clothes and accessories that are the crème dela crème of sophisticated fashion. Your fur-babies will be nothing less than the best dressed, whether at home, on a walk, or any fabulous New York event!